Even Orbán’s supporters would introduce the euro in Hungary

2/3 of the supporters of Fidesz, Orbán’s ruling party, are in favour of the European Union. Furthermore, a solid majority of them would introduce the euro in Hungary.
Hungarians are pro-EU
Based on the Policy Solutions’ most recent study, the Hungarian public values the EU membership. The majority of them believe that the country’s membership is beneficial because of the financial support Hungary receives from Brussels. One of the other strongest arguments is the freedom of travel. Meanwhile, the Hungarian public is passive regarding EU affairs.
Only a few people in Hungary would go on the streets to support an EU policy.
The new study titled “How much Europe would we like?” was published last Friday. The research analysed what the EU means for the Hungarians, and it seems that the most frequent association is financial support. Furthermore, Hungarians link the EU with certain positive values such as strength, freedom, opportunities and common goals – telex.hu reported.
Among the negative associations, the study highlighted the ideological pressure the EU exerts on citizens.
Travelling freely in the EU is a deciding factor
In general, Hungarians like to travel freely within the EU because it helps them study and work abroad. Illegal migration pops up as a crucial issue in this regard, but it has lost much of its former significance in the last three years. Still, migration was the second most frequent association among the survey participants regarding the EU.
Interestingly, only 14 per cent of the people regarded democracy, human rights, and the rule of law as significant values. However, that means a four-fold increase compared to 2019 data. Only 5 per cent brought up the subject of EU attacks against Hungary. Furthermore,
1 per cent linked the EU with George Soros.
The corruption of EU funds does not affect Hungarian citizens. OLAF or the European Public Prosecutor’s Office are also irrelevant topics for most of them.
Among the greatest benefits of Hungary’s EU membership, most mentioned the economic support and development.
70 per cent of the people highlighted these two factors while European values were at the bottom of their list. Regarding the disadvantages, most people mentioned that some decisions should remain the competence of the member states.
Migration is still a crucial issue
In the 2019 study of Policy Solutions, migration was in first place among the drawbacks. In 2022, it fell back to second place with 24 per cent. Meanwhile,
50 per cent agreed that Brussels bureaucrats want to enforce their will on Hungary.
The rates of respondents among government and opposition supporters who think this way are 70 and 33 per cent, respectively.
The relative majority of the Hungarians (44 per cent) are pro-EU, and they would be okay with the EU even if Brussels had more power. Another 27 per cent favour the Europe of Nations program without giving up sovereignty. Meanwhile, most people would not protest regarding EU policies.
Only 8 per cent are the hardliners who would leave the EU.
However, neither the government nor opposition supporters would entrust the EU to decide migration issues.
The number of forint supporters is decreasing
2/3 of the people would introduce the euro in Hungary. Compared to the Think-tank’s 2019 survey, the rate of those opposing that idea fell from 34 to 27 per cent. Interestingly, even 60 per cent of the supporters of Orbán’s ruling Fidesz-KDNP coalition would introduce the euro in Hungary.
This rate goes up to 3/4 in the case of opposition supporters. The majority of the non-aligned voters are also pro-euro.
All age groups are pro-EU, but this rate is the highest in the 18-59 age group, while it falls to 12 per cent among people above 60. 17 per cent of the Fidesz supporters would vote for leaving, but 60 per cent would like to remain in the EU.
I support Orban and so do many of my friends. I do not know anyone that wants the Euro here in Hungary. Except the folks from the left. You can take polls and surveys and get any result the group taking them wants to achieve. The Euro is just another dying currency like the US Dollar. Hungary is better off with the Forint. No to the euro.
The state of the Hungarian Economy, in a downward trending strong pattern, it can’t be DISMISSED again, to look at the introduction of the Euro Dollar into Hungary.
We have to ACT – with Urgency through the continual decline of valuation to ALL other Major currencys – afforded to the Forint.
It is HURTING us – and a reversal from this continual weakening downward trend of the Forint – a recovery – is not going to occur – in the near, short term or FUTURE.
The decline of the Forint – its WORTH against ALL other major currencys – clearly gives clear indication, that rapidly, it continues to progress – getting into a catacylsmic penatrative malignancy – that is nearing Terminal.
We have to Act – yesterday.